ITPM Discounted Courses
As an affiliate with The Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management (ITPM) you will find competitive discount links to each of ITPM courses below. These will give you access to the StudyHall@ITPM discord channel as well as the course content that you have purchased through ITPM. If you have any further questions on the discord channels or any of the courses, click the 'contact' button below. Otherwise the video here provides you with instructions on how to use the discount links provided.
Introduction to Professional Level Trading (IPLT)
The IPLT Video Series is the perfect introduction into how Professional Traders strategize in order to take advantage of U.S. Stock Market Volatility utilizing the methods of Long / Short Portfolio Management. This course is ideal for all Retail Traders globally that are seeking a more Professional approach and consistent profitability in their trading accounts.
50% OFF
Professional Trading Masterclass (PTM 2.0) Video Series
The PTM Video Series 2.0 is the follow up program to the PTM 1.0 Video Series that was launched in 2013 and delisted in March 2021. The program has been updated and remastered. The course content has doubled in size. The PTM is the core Educational Program at ITPM focusing on a full Professional Trader systematic process in the U.S. StockMarket. The PTM Video Series is by far the most comprehensive Trading Program on the market available to Retail Traders globally.
50% OFF
Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM) Video Series
The POTM Video Series is the perfect accompaniment to the IPLT Video Series and the PTM 2.0 Video Series. Once you understand Volatility, Trade Idea Generation and Risk Management, learning how to structure Trade Ideas and a Long Short Portfolio utilizing Options will provide you with further edge in the market.
50% OFF
Professional FOREX Trading Masterclass (PFTM)
For serious Retail Traders that want to further expand their knowledge of applied Macroeconomics, the PFTM Video Series is heavy with a Fundamental data driven Professional Trader level approach that can add big returns to your Portfolio over time. Using the Pro’ Trader approach, FOREX positioning is not frequent, perhaps once or twice a year. However, this approach can provide outsized returns if you know how to apply it properly.
50% OFF
Summary of Content:
28 videos with a total of 42 hours of footage
Essential spreadsheet templates
Exam & Certificate
Volatility & Opportunity Sets
FOREX Market Foundation
Advanced Computational Methods
Spreadsheet Modelling
Macro Assessment and Drivers